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Perfect Page 5
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Page 5
“Text me; it’ll just depend on the client.” He says.
“Will do.” I smile, turning back to my painting.
“Love you, baby.” He yells, just as I hear him exit our front door.
“You look beautiful,” I tell Haley, joining her in the living room of Bree’s cousin’s house where Haley is camped out on the living room sofa. Apparently, the cousin and his fiancé had extended their trip due to nasty weather and not getting to enjoy Brazil while they were there. Hence, Haley and Bree having a safe place to stay for the next ten days.
“If by beautiful, you mean exhausted and irritable, then thank you.” She sighs, looking every bit as exhausted and irritable.
“How are you feeling? I brought you some jalapeno poppers; the ones with the cream cheese and half peppers in them from that food truck on Ford street.” I tell her, dangling the bag in front of her.
“Gimme!” She reaches out and snags it from my hand faster than any heavily pregnant woman has a right to. Her belly seems like it’s bigger than the last time I saw her and it’s only been a couple of days. “Ohhh, these are so good.” She moans around a bite. I can’t help but laugh.
“The doctor says spicy food can help induce. I’m ready to get my body back and get off this couch!” She tells me enthusiastically. I couldn’t even imagine.
“How’s your blood pressure been, today? Still good?” I ask her like I do every time I talk to her.
“It’s still higher than they’d like, but it’s not at a dangerous level. I start to see the doctor twice a week now. Tuesday’s and Friday’s and of course, I still call every day to tell him by BP.” She explains on an eye roll, but I’m glad her doctor is diligent.
We spend the next hour, chatting aboutt where the girls plan to go after the babies are born. I tell her of the shopping trip that I and the guys took and everything we bought, and I show her pictures of the new nursery. I skipped the part where I properly thanked Kingsley for doing it later that night, but she was impressed that he’d done the whole thing without my knowing about it.
I felt the babies moving as I told them stories about their other daddy so that they could hear my voice. Haley got a kick out of some of Kayson and Kingsley’s antics, but she seemed pretty smitten with us both, so I know some of the more questionable things didn’t reflect on how she felt we’d be as parents.
Bree used the time I was visiting to get some of their own things done for the day, like grocery shopping and finding things that would entertain Haley while she was cooped up on this couch for the next two weeks. I could see how much they loved each other, even as young as they were. It’s so rare to find that, they’re lucky they did it so young. Especially given all they’d been through from the stories I’d heard of both of their lives.
“Do you think you could get me a couple of Tylenol from the bathroom cabinet, please? My head is starting to feel foggy.” Haley opens her eyes and asks. I thought she’d fallen asleep as we were watching an old episode of “Three’s Company.”
“Sure, you want water or something else from the kitchen?” I ask, already headed to the bathroom for the Tylenol.
“I’d love some chocolate milk if you wouldn’t mind. I seem to have a bit of heartburn from those poppers; they were spicier than usual.” She commented, and I made quick work of getting the things she wanted.
“Here you go.” I hand her the pills and watch her drink the milk. Her face looks pinched and pained, and her face is clammy and void of its healthy color.
“Something’s wrong.”
It’s a slow day at the shop despite the several appointments I have today, but it’s one of those days where everyone just kind of migrates here to hang out when there’s nothing else to do. Conner comes in to see Kayson, Jay stops by for Finn; and Jase was here this morning, but Joker is still lingering, even though all of his appointments were this morning. Cam is getting ink done by his man, but judging the way he keeps piping up and turning around on the table, Jody is never going to get it finished. Morgan was supposed to come for lunch earlier, but Bree needed to get some things done while Morgan was around to keep Haley company, so I was just going to see him at home later. He was probably at home, already. I’d text him before I left to see if he wanted me to pick up dinner.
“Will you hold still, I’m going to fuck this up,” Jody says, agitated.
“Don’t frown at me, sir. You know what it does to me.” Cameron wags his eyebrows, dramatically. I can’t help but laugh at the pair; they’re the most unlikely couple. I can’t imagine the ways that Cameron puts him in his place. I try not to imagine it, actually.
“Jody….” Joker hesitated,
“Yeah?” Jody said without raising his head.
“I want to ask Jase to marry me.” That….came out of fucking nowhere. My head flew up to gauge everyone’s reaction; especially Jody’s.
“Oh shit,” Kayson whispered on a not so silent whisper.
“You what?” That was Cameron who also probably didn’t mean to say that as loud as it came out.
“No,” Jody said, not even taking a second to think about it. He bent his head and continued wiping Cameron’s hip with his paper towel.
“Oh, shit,” Kayson said again, earning an elbow from the man on his lap.
“What do you mean, no?” Joker asks, defensive for a good reason. Jody ignored him and got back to Cameron’s hip. Cameron was looking surprised, but he also looked…reflective?
“Let me rephrase.” Joker started, and I looked over at Kayson to keep his mouth shut. “Out of respect for you and Cameron, I’m asking for your blessing. I hope I have it because I feel like I’ve earned it, but I’m asking Jase to marry me.
“Why’d you ask if you didn’t give a fuck about the answer?” Jody growled but still didn’t look up.
“I respect you. A lot.” Joker started, “You guys stepped up when Jase needed somebody; you care about him, love him like he’s blood. I appreciate that. I know you want what’s best for him, both of you. That’s me.” He finishes, and I hear Jody scoff. I almost bite out my own, “Oh shit” because even though Jase is a bit younger than him and Joker is a bit younger than us; he’s still a man. A man who loves his man and takes their relationship very seriously and Jody just scoffed at that. Jody’s a big man, but that was out of line, and I don’t think Joker will stand for that. They’ve always had a semi-strained relationship because Jody is protective of Jase and often puts his foot in his mouth with every fucking body. But Joker might give him a run for his money.
“You saying I’m not the best for him?” Joker asks, flat out. Jody slams his tattoo gun on his metal tray, and I see Conner’s body jerk in surprise.
“I think you’re the only guy he’s ever been with.” Jody snaps off his gloves and throws them in the trash beside him. He stands slowly and walks standing towards Joker. “I think he’s too young for such a serious relationship, y’all just decided to move in together….” He barks.
“Baby, stop.” Cameron stands up, wincing, probably because his tat hasn’t been wiped clean or disinfected or fucking wrapped and he just pulled his sweats up over it. I was going to say something about all of that, but Jody seemed to realize it at the same time.
“Sit back down; you’re going to fuck that up! It could get infected.” He pulled him back to the chair, with little to no heat left in his voice.
“You’ve got to stop acting like Jase is a kid. He hasn’t been a kid in a long time, even when he was a kid.” Cameron pointed out. Jase had come to them as an aged out of the system- adult, but still,…we all knew how they felt about each other. There was no one as fierce, loyal and protective as Jody. Asshole and pain in the neck, absolutely, but he was as good as they come. Jody ignored Cameron’s soft reasoning as he cleaned him and got him taken care of.
“Joker,” Cameron called to him, ignoring the death glare he had to notice from Jody. “You’re already part of the family…We’d be honored to make that leg
al. If Jase agrees, you have our blessing.” He tells him, and we all watch the relief overtake Joker’s face.
“I’m the best for him because I love him,” Joker says, not done saying his piece, even though he’d already won. The kid needed to shut up while he was ahead.
“I love him, Jody. In a way that I know, no matter what happens or how much time passes, that’ll never change.” He tries once more. “He’s safe with me, and there’ll never be a time where he’s not.” Jody’s shoulders sag in defeat. The rest of us are watching them go back and forth like the most intense game of tennis.
“You hurt him, and I’ll slit your throat.” Jody looks dead at Joker when he delivers that line.
“Oh shit!” Conner squeaks that time,
“Is it just me, or has Jody gotten more psycho in his old age?” Kayson jokes. I’m choosing to believe that Jody meant that metaphorically, instead of literally, still, Joker’s lips tilt and I can tell he’s trying not to out and out, smile. Once again, he’s got the higher ground; he doesn’t need to push it.
“I need a drink,” Cameron says, falling back into the chair as Jody finally scoffs and gets back to work. Once again, I take in everyone around me and this beautiful life we’ve all made for ourselves, and together and can’t help but think that at right this second….everything is perfect.
I should’ve held onto all that because for the next several days, I’d need a reminder that things could be perfect.
“What’s wrong?” I ask as Haley’s hands fall to her belly.
“It’s tight.” She says, clutching her stomach. “My belly is tight; it feels weird. What’s that mean?” She asks. I haven’t the slightest, other than what could be contractions. I say as much, and I’m proud that I’m able to sound calmer than I feel.
“Contractions? It’s not time! I just ate poppers; it’s not supposed to happen that fast, is it?” She’s starting to get panicky. Patting my pockets but realizing my phone is out in my car, I grab Haley’s from the table.
“Can you walk? Should I call an ambulance?” I ask her. She grabs hold of my forearms and squeezes with a gasp.
“Bree! Call Bree” She says, so I do. I tell Bree what’s going on and she tells us not to waste time, but to get to the hospital. Better safe than sorry.
“Bree says we should go to the hospital, what do you think?” I ask her just as her body bucks in pain.
“Yeah, good idea. Let’s do that.” Haley says, taking noticeable deep breaths and holding them for seconds long before exhaling slowly. She’s doing better than me, so I try to do them along with her. I should’ve been prepared for this, but I never imagined actually being here when she goes into labor.
“You should call Kingsl-Aaaaahhhh” She screams. I’m dialing 9-1-1 before I realize I’m doing it.
“My friend is in labor, she’s 35 weeks pregnant with twins and has preeclampsia. I don’t know her blood pressure right now, but she started complaining of a headache, stomach tightness and now this.” I explain as I’m sure she can hear the whimpering and loud swearing from my very pregnant, very in labor new friend. I want to run to the truck to grab my phone because of course; I don’t know Kingsley’s number. People don’t memorize people’s number anymore, we add them to our phone contacts, and that’s that. I barely remember my own half the time!
The operator assures me that an ambulance is on its way and tries to ask me questions while Haley is having me run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I’m trying to find her bag ready and everything she feels like she might need. I can’t even take a second to freak out about the fact that if this is it, I was about to become a dad. I needed Kingsley; he should be here too.
Getting extra clothes and books and soothing music from an iPod I spent ten minutes hunting for; I was finally ready by the time the ambulance got there.
“I can follow behind and meet you there.” I’d tried to tell her.
“Noooo! I’m alone, don’t leave me alone. Bree isn’t here! I don’t want to do this alone, please don’t leave.” Haley pleaded and in that very second, she looked so young and vulnerable. I sometimes forgot that she was just over eighteen. She seemed so much older most of the time, so wise to the shitty things in the world that cause you to grow up faster than you’re supposed to. Right then, she looked like a child. I couldn’t leave her. I grabbed her hand and followed beside the gurney. I stayed right beside her until we got to the hospital and they took her back to a room.
Finally, able to take a second and scroll through Haley’s phone, I hoped she had Kingsley’s number stored in there instead of just mine. Usually, she calls my phone, as I think Kingsley might intimidate her just a little bit. Not because he’s scary, but just because he’s a big, tatted up bearded man and she hadn’t been around him as much as she’d spent time with me.
“Hello?” Kingsley answers after the third ring, thankfully she had his number under Bad-Ass Baby Daddy. Only Haley, I swear.
“Baby, it’s me. I think the babies are coming; we’re at the hospital. I left my phone in the truck at Haley’s; we came by ambulance.” I tell him, realizing now that my voice is shaking as much as my hands are.
“Oh shit! Is she okay? Are you okay? What happened?” He asks rapid fire. I can hear him rushing around, probably grabbing his keys and wallet. “Kayson, I need you, the babies are coming!”
“Are you still at the shop?” I ask, hoping he’s not leaving someone half finished.
“Yeah, I took a walk-in and was gonna hang out a while. Is she okay? Are you okay?” He asks again.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Shaken up a bit, but fine. She just said she had a headache so I got her some Tylenol and some milk; then she said her stomach was tight and Kingsley, I saw it, it looked like a basketball that was getting ready to blow. Before I knew it, she was screaming. Is it too early, you think? I mean, I know babies can come at 36 weeks and be fine but is it the same with twins? They’re smaller. What're the rules on that? We should’ve looked it up. Why didn’t we?” I’m letting myself get worked up because I’m scared and I need him here.
“Hey, it’s okay. She’s where she needs to be, and I’m on my way. Did you call Bree?” He asks. I told him I did and that she was on her way. He promises that he’ll hurry and although it shouldn’t take more than ten minutes for either of them to get here, it feels like the longest moments of my life.
The waiting room is quiet as hell. I can hear some of my friends breathing and Conner chewing gum. I’d texted them all the second I’d gotten here, and the majority of them showed up. Finn and Jay were going to come after the babies got here since they had a little one of their own but everyone was keeping them updated via text and Jay called Cameron every hour it seemed anyway. Wade was due on shift at the station pretty early in the morning, so while he and Foster came by and Foster insisted on staying; Wade went home to sleep but promised he’d be back the following day. Bree came out about three hours in to tell us that Haley was in fact, in active labor and was already dilated to a six; unfortunately, that had been about three hours ago, and we’d not heard anything since. Now, it was late, and even though we’d told the guys to go home; they insisted on staying to keep us company.
Morgan was a nervous wreck, constantly pacing and bouncing his knees, when he did sit down. I knew he was scared; he was scared for the babies of course, but I knew he was also remembering the last time we were in this situation and how quickly things can change.
“Baby, come sit down.” I call out quietly to where he’s standing beside the window, staring out into what I know is a fairly empty parking lot. Not seeming to hear me, I join him at the window and pull his back into my front so I can wrap my arms around him.
“You think she’s okay?” He asks me quietly, relaxing his body into mine.
“I do. She’s tough, you know that.” I tell him and it’s true. I’d never met anyone like Haley; so beaten down by the world and yet, still so optimistic. She
was unapologetically herself and I couldn’t imagine her being anything other than okay because even when she wasn’t, she made herself that way.
“I wish they’d let us see her or tell us how she’s doing.” He comments sadly. We never talked about the logistics and truthfully, I thought we had a couple more weeks. We didn’t know if we were wanted in the room or if we were going to be given an option to be. I know Morgan wanted to be involved every step of the way, but I’d want to give Haley privacy and I didn’t know her as well as Morgan did.
“Hey, drink this.” Kayson sided up next to us, brandishing giant cups of steaming hot coffee.
“Thank you.” Morgan says, taking the offered cup without hesitation.
“How you guys holding up?” He asks me without waiting for my answer. “They say no news is good news, right? And we know labor takes ages, you remember Layla’s? That shit seemed like it went on for days.” He reminds us. Layla had an easy, uncomplicated pregnancy and her labor lasted every bit of twenty hours. I hadn’t thought about that until now. It helped ease some of my worry.
“Guys!” We both turned around to see Bree coming down the short hallway looking harried and worried. I grab Morgan’s hand and halfway drag him to meet her halfway. I hear all the guys follow.
“She’s not progressing any further and they’re worried about one of the baby’s heart rates. They’re taking her for a C-section and she’s asking for you both.” She explains and I feel Morgan’s hand jerk in mine. I turn to look back at my brother and he looks scared as fuck. It doesn’t help my own nerves, because he’s always been the strong one.
“Go.” He rushes forward and hugs me. “Good luck, we’ll be praying for you out here. Go watch my niece and nephew enter the world and tell them their Uncle Kayson can’t wait to meet them.” He slaps my back and I’m engulfed immediately by Jody, who’d been quiet up until now.
“Good luck, man.” He backs up and gives me a playful shove. His smile looks genuine as he hugs Morgan. The rest of the guys give us encouraging words and back slaps and then we’re off. We’re met at the door by a nurse with bright pink scrubs. She’s smiling from ear to ear and doesn’t look distraught or a bit worried.