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Til Death Do Us Part Page 5
Til Death Do Us Part Read online
Page 5
“I really appreciate it, Kayse. Thank you.” I shake his hand and gather up my things. I text Morgan on my way out, and he tells me that he’ll just meet us at the walk-in. Since it’s a little bit closer than their house, I agree. Within ten minutes, I walk in and find that they’re not only there, but they’ve also already been given a triage room.
“I’m here for Lennon Finnley. My babysitter brought her in; they said she’s already in a room.” I tell the tired looking, middle aged woman at the admittance desk.
“Oh yes, beautiful little girl. Come with me.” She smiles and ushers me down the hallway, “The doctor is a little behind, we apologize, but someone will be here in just a minute.” She says and opens the curtain. I can hear my girl whimpering and humming like she does when she tries to fight sleep.
“Daddy’s here, Lenny, look,” Morgan says to her and turns her my way. Her little head is resting on his shoulder, and she’s wrapped up tight in a blanket with her little pink bunny that she can’t live without.
“Hey, baby girl,” I say softly as she reaches for me. Her little head falls right to my shoulder, and her little chubby arm wraps halfway around one side of my neck. She fusses a little bit, but I pat her back as I hug her too me and bounce a little bit while we rock back and forth.
“She feels so hot, but when I take the blanket off, her whole body trembles.” Morgan explains, “I texted Cameron, he’s up on ‘labor and delivery’ so he can’t come down at the moment, but he’s sending his second-year intern. He assures me that he’s very good with kids.”
“Thank you. Thank you for bringing her and for calling me.” I tell him, honestly. I hate having to rely on someone else to be with my girl, but I have to work. I can’t be with her 24/7 like I want to be. I don’t think I could find a better replacement, though. Morgan is just as much of a father-hen than I am.
“No problem. If I know Cam, he’ll be down here as soon as he can.” Morgan smiles and I’m betting he’s right.
Knock-knock. Someone knocks on the door, just before walking in.
“Hey guys, I’m Jay. The doctor will be here shortly, but for now, how about I get this little lady something cold for her tummy and check her over real good. That be okay?” The lanky, gorgeous, baby-faced man says, seeming to talk softly to my girl but the question seems to be for me. Unfortunately, my struck-stupid brain hasn’t reprogrammed itself after the light blue of his eyes, struck me that way.
“Finn,” Morgan calls.
“Yeah. Oh, yeah, that’s fine, thanks.” I mumble to myself. Oh, shit. The smile. Dimples.
“Great, let’s get her over here so I can check out those ears. If you wanna have a seat here. Are you dad?” He asks, looking back and forth between Morgan and me. Morgan points to me.
“Yeah, me,” I reply, stupidly. I can’t tell how old he is, but I know he’s got to be at least legal, if he’s a nurse or a doctor, I guess. Second year interns have years of school, surely, he’s old enough for me to be checking out, right?
“I’m just the manny.” Morgan informs him, voice full of humor, probably at the way I seem to have had a stroke in the last three minutes.
“Lucky you.” The pretty man, says as we winks at me. What did that mean? Did he mean, me?
“This little lady must be all the fun, huh?” He talks to my girl, and he looks into both ears, gently with the ear things. What are those called, I wonder? “Her ear over here on this right side looks red. Has she been pulling on it at all?” He asks, now, sticking one of those ear thermometers in her ear. He holds it until it beeps, after only a second and then throws the little disposable tip away. He grabs her chart and jots things down as Morgan answers his question. I feel like a heel because I can only stare at him.
“I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.” I finally speak up. I haven’t noticed any ear problems or fussiness at all.
“That’s okay. Sometimes ear infections go undetected and clear themselves up. Sometimes they give us problems. It doesn’t look terrible, but that’d be my guess. You said she was throwing up?” He asks and again, Morgan answers.
“That could’ve just been the fever, especially if she's drinking milk.” He smiles at my girl and hands her tongue depressor to play with. She hides her face into my chest, but flirts with him, shyly. She seems to be feeling better now that her daddy is here. At least, I’m hoping so.
I’m not sure if I’m making him uncomfortable or not, seeing how I can’t stop staring at him; but he seems to be staring back, just as hard. I feel like a tool. Actually, the man’s got me struck absolutely stupid. He’s small, way smaller than me; bright blue, almost white looking eyes, dark brown hair and a small, twink-like body. His baby face hides his age, and I want so badly to ask. Maybe Cam knows him, and I can ask. I wonder if he’s gay or interested. I wonder what he’d say if I asked him out.
“Does she like freezer pops? I can get her a push pop while you wait if you want.” He smiles at me, prettily.
“Yeah, thanks. That’d be nice of you.” I say softly, loving the eyes. I can’t seem to look away from them. We both stare for longer than is acceptable and I feel Morgan shifting around, beside me. I blink and look over to Morgan who is looking for all the world, like the cat who got the cream.
“I’ll uh; I’ll be right back with that, then.” Jay clears his throat and shuffles quickly out the door, looking as embarrassed as I feel.
“Somebody has a crush on the pretty doctor.” Morgan teases. I don’t even deny it; he’s simply gorgeous. I can’t imagine he’d like a big, bear looking man like me, but he seemed at least a little bit interested, didn’t he?
“That was embarrassing.” I sulk, sitting Lennon and I back on the exam table, holding her to me, tightly as she gets comfy on my lap, playing with the wooden tongue stick.
“I’d say he was just as smitten.” Morgan comments.
“Really? You think so?” I ask, feeling ridiculous, but not caring. Dating has been impossible since I brought Lennon home and while I have had a couple of buddies that ended up in my bed; they were friends first, and I didn’t have to go through any trouble, meeting new guys and dating. Unfortunately, I left everyone behind when I left Atlanta.
“Totally, you should ask him out.” Morgan smiles mischievously; all for that idea.
“That’s weird, I talked to him for maybe three seconds, and that was after I tried to swallow my tongue.” I complained, “What if he’s not even gay but was just looking at the bush I have on my face.” Morgan laughed his ass off and was still giggling by the time Jay walked in, with a push pop for Lennon. He offered it to her, already opened and chattered with her for a minute before handing me a paper print out on temperatures in toddlers. Babies temperatures run hotter, so 103 might seem high to me, but it isn’t a cause for immediate panic in toddlers. It also gives medicine and doses, by age and weight on here too, as well as other options to try before bringing her into the emergency room. Cool compresses, a luke warm bath. Things like that.
“And this here is my card, if you have any questions at all…you know, don’t hesitate.” He stammers, just a little. I found myself nodding and thanking him, but he left before I could say much else. He didn’t even look at Morgan, which I found weird but cute.
“Dude.” Morgan deadpanned. “He gave you his number.”
“No, he didn’t, he gave me his card. Totally different. He takes his patients, seriously.” I try to argue.
“Except you aren’t his patient because he’s just an intern. The doctor hasn’t been in, yet.” He smiles again, looking far too pleased with himself. Would I call him? Should I? I don’t even think I’d know what to say if I did.
I look down at the print-out paper and palm the card in my hand; pulling out my wallet, so I don’t lose it.
Dr. Douglas Jay Perry
The beginning….not end.
©Jenny Wood 06/14/2017
I know, I know, y’all. Don’t hate me! I hate cliff
hangers too! But come on…That was a good one, eh?
If you don’t know who Douglas Perry is, perhaps you’ve forgotten him from “Kayson.”
Have a reminder, here.
Prologue: Conner
The weather is terrible today; the rain clouds are casting a shadowed gloom over the small block of independently owned businesses that my bookstore sits in the middle of. I have a sweet little lady in the building beside me who sells her homemade, purely organic bath products. She has shampoo’s, conditioners, bath bombs, moisturizers, lotions and a handful of other things that leave a sweet smelling, honeyed aroma throughout our small block. Although it smells amazing, the building to the left of me is a small, family-owned deli that makes the most delicious soups and sandwiches. Between their hot chocolate and “Bett’s Naturals’,” sugary smells; every time I walk through these doors, my brain convinces me I’m just on this side of starving; which is why I’m so distracted today I think.
Directly across from the deli is an intimate little music store where Jetson Jacks, sells CDs, concert DVDs, vintage vinyl and the walls are even lined with used guitars and all different types of musical instruments that people stop in and jam with from time to time.
In the spring, I can hear the classic rock music that Jetson of “Jetson Jacks Music” plays for the block. He used to be in a band in his glory days and wants to live out the rest of his life with other people who enjoy the music as he does. I’ve only been in there a handful of times since moving into my building a year a half ago; I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, never mind attempt to play an instrument, but he’s really funny and his store is really neat, even I could admit, it’s a fun place to hang out.
Directly across from Betts; (whose name is Betsy Valentine-seriously, how adorable is that?), is a small, art gallery, where semi-famous hometown artist, Camden Robert Ross, teaches his art classes. I call him “Cob Ross” and I think he hates me just a little bit for it, but only because he swears he’s actually better than the actual Bob Ross…He isn’t, but he’s almost, just as good. They do pottery, group paintings, sculptures and every few months; he holds a charity function to donate to our children’s home here in town.
Our whole block is lined with little shops like ours; antiques, eateries, clothing stores, thrift shops, flower shops and even a “Wiccan Spells” shop.” I’ve never been in there, personally, but I’ve heard some really interesting things. The lady who owns it, Wendy, (Yes, her name is Wendy, and she’s a witch who was born on Halloween- coincidence? I think not! Talk about a pre-destined calling in life.) She’s incredibly sweet, and she’s married to a local computer repairman that I’ve had to hire more than a handful of times since I started renting tablets out by the week or if you had a “Hideout” card, you could check them out for any amount of time up to a week. We’re a nice little community on this side of our small little hick town that’s home to about nine hundred people; and everyone- Wendy included- is just a part of our family over here on our small block.
Now, what is directly across the narrow, two-lane street of my shop, you may wonder? That would be the recently renovated and newly opened tattoo shop; “Kennedy Brother’s Ink”- owned and operated by Kayson and Kingsley Kennedy. I’ve yet to actually meet either one of them, but that doesn’t stop me from peering into their glass fronted windows from time to time…. Okay, slightly more than from time to time but not in a weird way… Okay, well not in a completely, stalkerish, weird way.
They usually come in around ten in the morning and stay open until well after ten in the evening; they have a couple of others who work there, piercers and whatever other kinds of people who might work in a tattoo parlor. Do they call them parlors anymore? That seems old-fashioned, even to me and I’m the definition of old-fashioned.
Me? I’m Conner Allen, and I own this book store/makeshift library.
While it’s true that I inherited it from my grandma who left it to me when she retired; it was basically my refuge growing up. I’d probably be doing the same exact thing, even if she hadn’t left it to me; but I’m forever grateful that she did. I hope I’m making her proud, because I’ve switched things up a bit, since making some renovations myself. We do buy, sell and trade, but we also have a monthly membership where you can check out as many books as you’d like as long as they came back or you renewed them at the end of every week. I’ve been turning a pretty decent profit since taking over several years ago. I had to take a few business courses that weren’t much fun, but, someone had to learn the books when Nan got sick, and I’m thankful that I did now. I was content with my small little house in my small little neighborhood. I loved it here in Madison, Georgia. It was country living at its finest and before Kennedy Brother’s Ink. opened up their shop right across the street; I’d never in my twenty-six years of living here, ever seen a tattoo shop/parlor. I wondered what made them come to our small town and settle here.
I didn’t know much about them yet, which was odd because in a town like ours; people liked to talk. I’m sure there are folks around here that know their entire life stories, but none that I had come across yet. It wasn’t really my business, and I didn’t like to entertain idle gossip, but I have to admit I was curious as hell about them. All of them, sure, but Kayson Kennedy especially.
While it’s also true that Madison, isn’t the friendliest of the gay-friendly towns; or even state, I’d lived in this town my whole life; as did my mama, her mama and her mama’s, mama. They used to joke that hiding me in the closet would never work because I’d bust out in all their heels and give myself away. I didn’t get it back then, but I guess looking back, it just was what it was. I never thought to hide it because everyone had known it, before I did, even. It helped that I lived with my Mama and Nanny my whole life. My father was killed in a gas station robbery when I was just a couple of months old, so my Mamma sold our house across town, and we moved in with Nanny. Mama still lives in that same ol’ house, but I’d moved out years ago. I did still visit a lot because it was just us now; no one else. Mama never remarried or even dated anyone after losing my dad; meaning, she never had any more kids; no matter how much I begged in middle school for a little brother or sister. It never happened, and we lost Nanny last summer to pneumonia, so; just us.
I figured I’d be getting a lot of business over this way the next couple weeks; I was in the business of buying and selling books, so I knew that the kids from the college would be coming over here to get some cash for their useless textbooks now that the semester was over. I did, as I mentioned, buy, sell or trade and whatever books I’d get at the end of a semester, someone would surely buy them at the beginning of the next one. It happened every term. As long as they were in good shape, I wasn’t picky. I had a little bit of everything in here; from textbooks to romances to murder mystery to gossip mags; it didn’t matter; there was a little something for everybody.
I also had three employees’; Craig, Denny and Claire, because not only did we have books for just about anyone, we also had a coffee station where people could come in, have some coffee and read or work on their computer’s. It stayed pretty quiet in here/unless it was Tuesday nights, that’s when we had kids’ night, where someone (usually Claire) read for the kids. All of my employees were younger than my twenty-six years old and worked between going to school and hanging out with their friends. I didn’t have many friends, partly because I was uncomfortably shy, but also partly because I was always in here. Craig, Denny, and Claire all rotated days of the week to share a shift with me; and twice during that week I had the day off, and they worked together. Mostly, though, I was always here and worked with one of them from open to close. I was only open from 9-5, so it wasn’t like I never got any free time; just when I did, I preferred to go home and read or watch TV, instead of going to one of the bars in town, the pool hall or the one movie theater we have here in small-town, Madison.
Buying one ticket to see a movie by yourself was embarrassing, especi
ally on a weekend. I’d made that mistake once before; never again. Jade Gentry and his shadow puppets sat behind me and acted like high-school kids, kicking my seat and throwing popcorn and slinging slurs about being the only gay man in town- the whole time.
I can’t say it didn’t bother me, much, like it did when he’d done it back in high-school but I also can’t say it was as bad. I knew his wife and two kids had left him last year and moved to Stonebrook to get away from his drinking and to stay out all night. I’d heard that through the grapevine and I knew that he was miserable without her, but instead of fighting to get her back, he just stewed in his misery and tried to make everyone else that way too. Hence, I never stepped foot back in that movie theater and didn’t plan on changing it anytime soon. I was content getting to talk to the people here in town that would come through my store. They were friendly enough, and my employees were friendly enough that I’d call them friends. So, I wasn’t lonely; not really. Not until I went home at the end of every night and had no one to talk to but my cat; Pickles. Only then did I feel a little bit of the loneliness creeping in.
It was a slow day today; Monday’s usually were, until around three, when kids got out of school. Then, instead of going to the deli/café next door or the park when it was warm; most of the high school and community college kids came here to study. That was another reason business was as good as it was. Our little town didn’t have a library closer than 20 miles away so this was it, as far as a quiet place to study went; and even though I had three desktop computers that could be rented out for two hours at a time, (unless no one else was in line, then I was pretty lenient about it), but still, this was as close to a library as a lot of these kids got.